The Yadkin River has seen usage since the earliest settlements in the Americas, being utilized not only by the settlers in the early 18th century but also before this time period by the indigenous peoples of North America. In fact, we can still see remnants of its use by these groups of people still today. Evidence of these early settlements

What do publicly accessible trails and greenways mean to us? The answer undoubtably took on new meaning and importance in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, even if the question has always been vital. A group of forward-thinking and outdoor-minded stakeholders framed the question at a state scale to see what can happen when attention, advocacy, and funding can come

The Ivy Bluff Trail is one of the trails in Pilot Mountain State Park.  You’ll find the Ivy Bluff Trail south of the Yadkin River in Yadkin County.  This trail has less foot traffic than the trails in the main section of the park.  Park in a gravel lot off of Shoals Road (GPS: 36.254240, -80.508324).  Follow the red circles as you will