Shooting Sports



Shooting Ranges

Whether you’re sighting in your rifles for an upcoming hunt, participating in an ever important firearm safety course, or just target shooting for fun, the Piedmont has lots of opportunities for you. There are opportunities for all kinds of shooting sports in the area. For public ranges, you can head to Flintlock Valley Shooting Range in the Uwharrie National Forest or the R. Wayne Bailey Range in Caswell County, or head to one of the numerous private ranges in the area that often just require a day pass.

Wherever you decide to shoot, be sure to abide by all local laws and regulations, and follow the rules of gun safety!




Here you can find the elite hunting experience you’ve been searching for, whether you enjoy the crisp air and crunch of the leaves under your boots on a brisk Autumn morning or the anticipation of summer’s first light before the heat of the hunt. The NC Triad offers countless private and public hunting opportunities for various species. Deer, duck, boar, bear, dove, fox, quail, rabbit, squirrel, turkey, and many other species are found across the twelve-county area. Embrace treasured moments spent in the field with friends, children, grandchildren, and your four-legged hunting buddy.


Expansive Game Lands


The rural settings of Montgomery and Davidson Counties, in particular, represent a sportsperson’s paradise. With four public game lands,Dan River Game Land, Pee Dee River Game Land, Uwharrie Game Land, and Linwood Game Land, there are no shortages of hunting and trapping opportunities. In the northeastern part of the Region, you will discover the finest waterfowl hunting in the state at the R. Wayne Bailey Public Game Land, with its flooded crops catering to wood ducks. As you travel to the west, you will find the Mitchell River Game Lands, where there are tens of thousands of feet of creeks and streams on and around Little Mountain.


Prize-Winning Game


While the NC Triad enjoys access to a significant number of hunting opportunities, the quality of game does not suffer. In September 2021, a new North Carolina irregular compound bow record buck was hunted out in Guilford County (31 points, 212 7/8 inches according to Buckmaster’s certification). Nearly half of North Carolina’s record bucks have come from the NC Triad. But bucks are not the only harvest records being broken! 

On Thanksgiving Day in 2021, a bear that tipped the scales at over 500 pounds was harvested in Stokes County. The record largest bow hunted typical wild turkey was shot in Rockingham County, and Caswell County was the kill site for a previous state-best 700+ pound feral boar.

Go out in the field to find your escape. Get lost in the spirit of the Region’s pristine nature. Gear up, grab your friends and loved ones, and explore all of the world-class hunting the Triad offers!



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