Trails in Greensboro
- One of the best parks in Greensboro to visit in the fall, Country Park will not disappoint. The park offers
- Lake Daniel Park is located in Greensboro, NC and consists of about 80 acres of land. This park contains a
- Park in Greensboro offering trails, sports fields, and a skate park. Latham Park Greenway (1.2 miles) winds through Latham Park
- This trail is the perfect backdrop for your next scenic hike or adventurous mountain bike ride whether you’re experienced or
- The Copperhead Trail (3.2 miles) dips and twists through the wooded areas of Country Park in Greensboro with the berms
- Whether you’re hiking or biking, the Owl’s Roost Trail (4.3 miles) promises a good workout. Voted the “best urban mountain