Stokes County Hanging Rock State ParkHanging Rock State Park has offered the best of a traditional outdoor experience with 73-site campground, picnic grounds, stocked lake Hanging Rock Dan River AccessThe Dan River Access on the north side of the park provides parking and a ramp for fishing, paddling and Horne Creek Farm and the Southern Heritage Apple OrchardOnce the Hauser family farm, Horne Creek enables visitors to experience farm life in North Carolina’s northwestern Piedmont circa 1900. Shoal’s Park & Community Recreation CenterOffers a recreation center and ballfields. Hanging Rock TrailThe Hanging Rock Trail in Hanging Rock State Park is a one-way 1.3 mile trail that leads to the quartzite Pilot Mountain State ParkPilot Mountain State Park centers around the iconic geologic knob that serves as a beacon to the surrounding Piedmont, inviting Ring-Necked Mountain Bike Trail (Hanging Rock)The Ring-Necked Mountain Bike Trail in Hanging Rock State Park begins 300 feet on the left from the Kingsnake Trail. Carolina Ziplines Canopy TourGive us a call and let’s get outdoors and enjoy life again. We are dedicated to working through this together. Black Racer MTB Trail (Hanging Rock)The Black Racer Mountain Bike Trail in Hanging Rock State Park is a short loop beginning and ending near trail Moore’s Wall Loop (Hanging Rock)Moore’s Wall Loop Trail in Hanging Rock State Park leads to the Moore’s Observation Tower – at 2,497 feet above