Stokes County Cook’s Wall (Hanging Rock)Rock climbing at Cook’s Wall in Hanging Rock State Park requires a permit and climbers must register with park staff. Hemlock Golf Course Paddle AccessThis access is used by the public, but is privately owned. Hand Carry, Sloping Rocks to river Sauratown TrailThe Sauratown Trail is one of the earliest long-distance trails in the state. Winding through farmland, forests, and country roads, Lake Trail (Hanging Rock)The Lake Trail at Hanging Rock State Park is a 1-mile loop trail that encircles the 12-acre park lake that Horne Creek Farm and the Southern Heritage Apple OrchardOnce the Hauser family farm, Horne Creek enables visitors to experience farm life in North Carolina’s northwestern Piedmont circa 1900. Rattler MTB Trail (Hanging Rock)The Rattler Mountain Bike Trail in Hanging Rock State Park begins near mile marker #17 of the Major Tom Trail Hillside Dan River TubingTube, shuttle and parking for tubers, kayaks and canoeing. East Walnut Cove Community ParkSmall park in Walnut Cove featuring a ballfield and small playground. Copperhead Connector MTB Trail (Hanging Rock)The Copperhead Connector Mountain Bike Trail in Hanging Rock State Park is not recommended for beginners. It winds under the Recreation AcresRecreation Acres is the premier spot for outdoor exercise in King, containing soccer fields, baseball fields, a concession stand, and