Rockingham County Eagle Hills Golf ClubGreat 9 Hole Golf Club with multiple tees for all skill levels. Completely renovated Club house and new 007 Bent Dan River Nature TrailThe Dan River Nature Trail runs between South Bridge Street and Leaksville Landing on Old State Hwy 87 in Eden. Dan River Gamelands Canoe/Kayak LaunchDan River Game Lands Access in Eden is owned by NC Wildlife and has operating hours between 5 am and Bridge Street Recreation CenterCommunity park and recreation center in Eden offering a gym, outdoor basketball courts, tennis courts, walking track, kitchen and meeting Dan River GamelandGameland in Rockingham County managed by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Draper Landing AccessMetal staircase down into the Dan River. Flintrock FarmsFlintrock Farm, a full service equestrian facility, is located in the southwestern corner of Rockingham County. A short drive from Settles Bridge Access10-foot wide footpath leads down from parking area. Lisa’s RV LandingCampground in Rockingham County, North Carolina Mayo River State ParkThe park covers just over 2,700 acres in several access areas stretching along the 16-mile-long river corridor. The 400-acre Mayo