River Swepsonville River ParkOpened in 2006, this 30-acre park was one of the first on the Haw River Trail. Protecting over a mile Brooks Bridge Road AccessAt the Brooks Bridge put-in you get a taste of what’s to come a ways down river: a feisty Class Ararat River (268 East Access)New access to the Ararat River just off of NC-268. Indian Valley Paddle AccessThis short, flat-water stretch of river is perfect for beginning paddlers. The one-mile section of river is backed-up by the Fisher River (Bray Ford Access)Access to Fisher River Mitchell River (Mountain Park Access)NC Wildlife Resources maintains this fishing and canoe access along the Mitchell River in partnership with Surry County. Kerr Scott Dam Tailwater AccessThis is the beginning of the Yadkin River State Trail in Wilkesboro. Concrete ramp entry with paved parking lot and Hannah Ferry AccessYadkin River paddle access with a concrete boat ramp. Hemlock Golf Course Paddle AccessThis access is used by the public, but is privately owned. Hand Carry, Sloping Rocks to river Dan River CompanyWe provide professional canoe & kayak rental and shuttle services on the Dan River at Hanging Rock State Park in