River Smith River (Island Ford Access)Access to the Smith River in Eden at the Smith River Greenway. Burch Station AccessYadkin River paddle access with wooden steps and hand carry entrance. Milton Boating AccessConcrete boat ramp on the Dan River. Donnaha AccessYadkin River paddle access located right off Highway 67 as you enter Yadkin County from Forsyth County. The access site Hwy 704 AccessDan River access at NC-704 in Madison. Concord Church (NC-801) AccessYadkin River paddle access with a concrete boat ramp. Madison River ParkThe Madison River Park is located at the Dan River below the bridge on Lindsey Bridge Road in Madison, North Fisher River (Old US 601 Access)New steps down to the Fisher River. Eden Wildlife AccessAccess to the Dan River just below the confluence with the Smith River in Eden. Altamahaw Paddle AccessPaddle access to the Haw River. There is a dam here at the Altamahaw Paddle Access that paddlers must avoid.