On the Water in Eden Draper Landing AccessMetal staircase down into the Dan River. Smith River (Island Ford Access)Access to the Smith River in Eden at the Smith River Greenway. Dan River Gamelands Canoe/Kayak LaunchDan River Game Lands Access in Eden is owned by NC Wildlife and has operating hours between 5 am and Leaksville LandingThe next Public Access is Draper Landing, 4.75 miles downstream at the HWY 700 Bridge (downstream, river right). A half-mile Eden Wildlife AccessAccess to the Dan River just below the confluence with the Smith River in Eden. Three Rivers OutfittersThree Rivers Outfitters offers day trips and overnight camping on the Dan, Smith and Mayo Rivers. They offer canoe and kayak Klyce Street LandingNew access to the Dan River in Eden. Large parking lot with metal stairs down to the river.