Natural Area Granville ParkPark in Winston-Salem offering tennis, picnic shelter, pickleball, walking trail, and a playground. The park’s playground includes a mist tower, Northeast ParkVisitors to Northeast Park can choose from a wide variety of outdoor experiences to enjoy. Our state of the art Davie County Community ParkDavie County Community Park has something for everyone: walking trails, green space, inclusive playground, turf field & track, Elevate fitness Tobaccoville Village ParkTobaccoville Park is a good place for a picnic, or a family reunion. The children’s area is completely fenced in Kernersville Lake ParkOpened in mid 1990, Kernersville Lake Park has a total of 160 acres, 60 acres of which are taken up HB Rowe Environmental ParkThe HB Rowe Environmental Park was dedicated in 2010 as a result of a land donation by Erika Rowe in Country ParkOne of the best parks in Greensboro to visit in the fall, Country Park will not disappoint. The park offers Greensboro Science CenterThe Greensboro Science Center is a science museum and zoological park established in 1957 and located in Greensboro, North Carolina, Civitan ParkCivitan Park in Kernersville has a great mix of active and passive amenities. This park is equipped to handle a Bur-Mil ParkAdjacent to Lake Brandt, this 250-acre park provides a wide variety of recreational opportunities to Guilford County residents including, fishing,