Mountain Biking in Greensboro Reedy Fork TrailThe Reedy Fork Trail (3.5 miles) parallels the Reedy Fork Creek that flows into back waters of Lake Townsend. You Copperhead TrailThe Copperhead Trail (3.2 miles) dips and twists through the wooded areas of Country Park in Greensboro with the berms Bur-Mil ParkAdjacent to Lake Brandt, this 250-acre park provides a wide variety of recreational opportunities to Guilford County residents including, fishing, Country ParkOne of the best parks in Greensboro to visit in the fall, Country Park will not disappoint. The park offers Owl’s Roost TrailWhether you’re hiking or biking, the Owl’s Roost Trail (4.3 miles) promises a good workout. Voted the “best urban mountain Wild Turkey TrailThis trail is the perfect backdrop for your next scenic hike or adventurous mountain bike ride whether you’re experienced or