Dispersed Camping Crater Park AccessCrater Park is located adjacent to the Yadkin River and convenient to downtown Elkin. Amenities at the park include a Badin Lake Recreation AreaBadin Lake Recreation Area offers swimming, boating, fishing, hunting, hiking trails, equestrian trails, four-wheel drive trails, mountain biking trails & Uwharrie National ForestThe Uwharrie National Forest covers 52,000 acres in Montgomery, Randolph & Davidson Counties. The park offers many activities including the Badin Horse CampThis is a primitive camping area where people camp in self contained RV/Horse Trailers. It is located in an open Shoals AccessYadkin River paddle access at Pilot Mountain State Park with steps and hand carry entrance. Camping sites area available for Hanging Rock State ParkHanging Rock State Park has offered the best of a traditional outdoor experience with 73-site campground, picnic grounds, stocked lake Cane Creek Mountains Natural AreaCane Creek Mountains Natural Area is a new nature park that provides public access to Alamance County’s largest state-significant naturalCounty: Alamance Pilot Mountain State ParkPilot Mountain State Park centers around the iconic geologic knob that serves as a beacon to the surrounding Piedmont, inviting Arrowhead CampgroundArrowhead Campground lies in the Badin Lake Recreation Area, a hub for outdoor activities in central North Carolina’s Uwharrie National Hagan-Stone ParkHagan-Stone Park is a 409-acre wildlife refuge and family campground. The park has several lakes, trails, camp shelters with charcoal