Boating Access Madison River ParkThe Madison River Park is located at the Dan River below the bridge on Lindsey Bridge Road in Madison, North Kerr Scott Dam Tailwater AccessThis is the beginning of the Yadkin River State Trail in Wilkesboro. Concrete ramp entry with paved parking lot and Badin Lake (Lake Forest)Boat launch ramp on Badin Lake at Scallywag’s Bar & Grill. Daily fee includes launch and trailer parking. Burch Station AccessYadkin River paddle access with wooden steps and hand carry entrance. Lake Thom-A-Lex ParkThe park has four picnic shelters, playground, kayak rentals, fishing, and hiking trails. Red Slide Park & Paddle AccessFrom Red Slide Park in Haw River you’ll likely think you’re in for a rollercoaster of a paddle. And you Cedarock ParkCedarock Park is a 500-acre park located in southern Alamance County offering 6 miles of hiking and equestrian trails, 2 Hanging Rock Dan River AccessThe Dan River Access on the north side of the park provides parking and a ramp for fishing, paddling and Lake ReeseLake Reese is a 900-acrea lake, just west of Asheboro, offering a ramp to launch small boats and kayaks. Bank Jacobs Creek Batteau LandingJacobs Creek Batteau Landing offers a variety of assets for its visitors, including an ADA-accessible sidewalk leading to the new