Alamance County Haw River TrailThe Haw River Trail is a 70-mile long multi-use trail following the path of the Haw River from Haw River State Woodlawn Stables, Inc.A family-owned boarding and training facility. Joe C. Davidson ParkJoe C. Davidson Park in Burlington is primarily focused on soccer and baseball, but the park also features a wonderful Haw River Farmhouse AlesLocated right in the center of town at the old Dixie Yarns Cotton Mill, they brew a perfect mesh of Burlington Splash ParkOpen seasonally, this state-of-the-art water feature play space in Burlington provides great fun for kids of all ages. The Maynard Southwick Golf CourseSouthwick is an 18-hole, public course carved into the banks of the Haw River and features dramatic elevation changes, winding Great Bend Park River AccessFor thru-paddlers wishing to continue downstream of Glencoe Dam, portage is required from the Great Bend Park Paddle Access. After Lake Mackintosh MarinaLake Mackintosh Park & Marina was developed in 1993 and is the primary water reservoir for the citizens of Burlington.