Alamance County Central Carolina Gun ClubCentral Carolina Gun Club is a non-profit, outdoor range located in Alamance County North Carolina. Graham-Mebane Lake & MarinaGraham-Mebane Lake is a 650-acre municipal reservoir. The Lake’s primary purpose is a source of drinking water for the citizens Burlington Beer WorksNorth Carolina’s first cooperative brewery and restaurant with the aim of securing a shared network of local and regional partnerships Woodlawn Stables, Inc.A family-owned boarding and training facility. Lake Cammack & MarinaLake Cammack covers more than 800 acres with a shoreline of over 50 miles. Located north of Burlington, the marina Great Bend Park River AccessFor thru-paddlers wishing to continue downstream of Glencoe Dam, portage is required from the Great Bend Park Paddle Access. After Alamance BattlegroundIn 1771, an armed group of backcountry farmers calling themselves Regulators battled with royal governor William Tryon’s militia on land now Rad Range Training & Event CenterOur outdoor covered rifle range is a must see! We have targets at 100, 150, 200, 250 & 300 yards. Cedarock ParkCedarock Park is a 500-acre park located in southern Alamance County offering 6 miles of hiking and equestrian trails, 2 Mill Creek Golf ClubThe course at Mill Creek Golf Club (18-hole), situated on 650 acres was designed by Robbins/Lussier/Koch it was completed in